Dr. Richard D. Porcher Jr.
Dr. Richard D. Porcher is a scholar, educator, and conservationist. As Professor Emeritus of Botany, Porcher's distinguished teaching career at The Citadel integrated field biology into the curriculum (1970 – 2003). Dr. Porcher is the author of definitive books on South Carolina botanical and cultural resources. He has dedicated the proceeds from his books to student scholarships at Clemson University and The Citadel. Dr. Porcher is a renowned conservationist that uses his knowledge to influence regional environmental policies. Porcher was the recipient of 2007 South Carolina Environmentalist of the Year Award and has mentored many prominent naturalists in the Southeast. Dr. Porcher has studied rice culture extensively in the Delta for over 40 years and has contributed many books and scholarly articles on the subject matter.
Photo by Alex Fox.