Christina Butler
Christina Butler has a professional background in historic preservation and history, as well as over twenty years of experience in new construction, restoration, and renovation work. She holds a BA in historic preservation and an MA in American History. Ms. Butler is the principal owner of Butler Preservation, LLC and is also a full professor and Dean of Faculty at the American College of the Building Arts, where she teaches courses in historic preservation and architectural history. She is also an adjunct professor for the Clemson University's Master of Science in Historic Preservation Program and for College of Charleston's historic preservation department. Her first academic press book, Lowcountry at High Tide: A History of Flooding, Reclamation, and Drainage in Charleston premiered in June 2020, published with University of South Carolina Press. She has also written Italians in the Lowcountry for the Dante Alighieri Society, which highlighted Italian cultural and architectural contributions to Charleston, and with Historic Charleston Foundation and Historic Ansonborough Neighborhood Association to write Ansonborough: Birth and Rebirth. Christina also writes for Kiawah Legends and Charleston Empire Properties. Her latest book, Charleston Horse Power: Equine Culture in the Palmetto City, came out with University of South Carolina Press in August 2023. Butler recently co-authored the Renaissance Master Plan for the City of Darlington, South Carolina, and was the historian for an SC 250 grant funded research project to document life and the built environment in British occupied Charleston during the American Revolution. Butler brings a deep interest in vernacular architecture and Lowcountry cultural landscapes to the Delta Project.